Wireless Energy Monitor (3 Phase)


The average household can reduce their electricity bill by up to 20% when they actively manage their electricity usage with a Wireless Energy Monitor.


With a Wireless Energy Monitor your energy usage and cost will be displayed in Real Time, no more waiting for the next quarterly bill to see if your efforts to reduce your energy consumption have worked.


The Wireless Energy Monitor will also show how much you are spending on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.


When you first get your Wireless Energy Monitor it will help you to identify those appliances that add the most to your electricity bill. You can then make an informed decision about how often, or when you use them, putting you back in control of your electricity bill.


Next you need to look at your Standby electricity usage which can account for as much as 25% of your electricity bill and represents those appliances that are just waiting to be used like your home entertainment system.


But lets face it, we like our Standby appliances, with a Wireless Energy Monitor you can identify those standby appliances that contribute the most to your standby energy consumption. This allows you to achieve the greatest possible reduction with the least inconvenience.


A Wireless Home Energy Monitor also allows you to check everything is turned off before going to bed or leaving the house and is a great reminder for the whole family to turn things off when they finish with them.


For those looking to chart your energy usage the Wireless Energy Monitor comes with a USB connection.


The Wireless Home Monitor consists of 3 main parts - an LCD display unit, Transmitter unit and Sensor clamp. This model of the Wireless Energy Monitor is supplied with 3 sensors for a 3 Phase connection.