Baby's normal temperature should be the number of


1 . I test method: 75% alcohol disinfection of digital thermometer, on the tongue , lips closed , put out after 5 minutes reading , normal is 36.3 ~ 37.2 ?.
2 . axilla test method : This method is less prone to cross-infection is the most common method of measuring body temperature . dry armpit sweat , to a mercury thermometer placed in the Fu nest at the top end , with the upper arm and a half clinical thermometer clamp , instruct patient not Tamper , 10 minutes after the reading , the normal value is 36 ~ 37 ?.
3 . anal Measurement : more for unconscious patients or children . the patient supine , the head table with oil lubricated anus , slowly inserted into the anus , anal deep table of 1 / 2 up , for 3 minutes after the reading , the normal Value of 36.5 ~ 37.7 ?.